This Bracelet Shocks You When You Over-Spend

The Pavlok wristband
A bracelet that alerts its wearer of over-spending via electric shock is in the offing. The Pavlok wristband, though not a new invention, but would be put to use for the first time to curtail over spending in customers.

The idea is that the Pavlok wristband will be wired up to an online bank account so that, when the user goes overdrawn beyond pre-set spending limits, they will be given a 255-volt shock.
The plan is worked out in four stages starting with the customer logging into their credit card or bank account facility.
They then connect the device and set a spending limit.
When users get near their self-imposed limit, a notification will be sent to their phone.

If they go on spending regardless, the wristband moves into shock mode.

The shock is reported to be "slightly uncomfortable", rather than painful, says Intelligent Environments, the company that provides the connection between the device and the banking sites.

It emphasises it has been tested fully and is safe.
The wristband was first launched in 2014 by a US internet business intended for use as a way of shocking people out of bad habits, such as smoking or nail-biting.

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