What started like a cruel joke turned into a tragedy as a teenage shoots herself with her mother's gun after friends shared her nude video on snapchat.
Tovanna Holton, aged 15, was left devastated after girls filmed her nude in the shower and posted the clip on the social networking app for classmates to see, her mother says.
Levon Holton-Teamer says her daughter stole her gun from her handbag before locking herself in the bathroom of their home and shooting herself .
She was found dead in a pool of blood just three hours after the alleged incident happened, the New York Post reported.
The grieving mother, from Tampa, Florida, says her young daughter was devastated and could not bear the humiliation.
She recalled the haunting last conversation she had with the teenager.

She told the news station: "Tovonna would say, ‘Mommy, I owe them; I owe them.’ I said, ‘What do you mean you owe them?’ I couldn’t understand what was wrong."
The tragic teen's aunt discovered, after searching on Facebook, that nude images of Tovonna had been shared on Snapchat.