A TV Remote Control For Dogs...Pets Can Now Watch What They Want

First ever dog TV remote
Dogs would now be able to channel surf just like their human keepers, thank to the new doggy remote control.

The pet friendly remote which took every canine characteristic into consideration would ensure your pets watch their favorite TV shows when they want.

The remote is made from tough water-proof plastic and has raised surfaces to make it easy to switch channels.

Pet food maker Wagg developed the remote with computer designers at the University of Central Lancashire in Preston.

Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas, a researcher in animal computer interaction, told the Sunday People : “Our studies shows the average dog now watches more than nine hours of TV a week, showing technology is already playing a huge part in our pets’ lives.”

And after analysing the findings, Wagg hopes to talk to tech companies to put the prototype into full production for switched-on pets.

It means owners could soon be ­fighting with their dogs over the remote control, as well as their partners.

Spokesman Dan Reeves is confident it will be a howling success.

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