Cannabis ATM Machines Soon to be Opreational in Jamaica

With the decriminalizing of cannabis last February, Jamaica has now found a way to make money out of this herb. 

They are now planning to open cannabis ATM machines at the airports to allow travelers immediate access once the step into the country.

The Cannabis Licensing Authority (CLA) has now started to look at ways to introduce these dedicated desks where visitors can pick up a licence for the 'good herb'.

It is currently legal to carry up to two ounces of weed in Jamaica, although police do still have the power to issue anyone in possession with a ticket and a J$500 (£2.98)
Student using vending machine

The CLA's medical committee chairman Dr Winston De La Haye said: "We've had our first meeting, and my thinking is that we'd need a few weeks to turn out an appropriate policy document."

Speaking at an event hosted by Jamaican publication Gleamer on Jamaica's burgeoning ganja industry he said the country needs to move quickly to plug any potential gap in proper regulations for that.
In Canada the medicinal marijuana market earns the country US$100 million.

CLA member Delano Seiveright added: "The thought is that if you are coming out of the airport, there is a kiosk that you can go to.

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