A store employee is being credited with saving a 2-year-old girl who was left behind in a hot car in a mall parking lot in Grand Prairie, Texas.
Destini Bates performed CPR on the toddler until paramedics arrived.
According to police, the girl's grandmother forgot about her while shopping for approximately half an hour. When the grandmother realized her mistake she ran out to the car, where the toddler was found unresponsive.
The grandmother called 911. In the meantime, she took the girl into Bates' shop to cool down.
“I ran up there, checked her pulse and couldn't feel her heartbeat,” Bates, who is fully trained in CPR, told Fox 4 News
“I put my cheek up to her mouth to see if there was any breath coming out and couldn't feel anything."
Assistant Fire Chief Billy Murphy told the news agency CPR is one of the steps taken that helped the girl survive.
“With the body surface area of a child that small, they're going to heat up,” Murphy said. “Their body core temperature is going to go up a lot faster than an adult."
The child is said to be doing well and is expected to recover.