Package Thief Surprised in a Glittery way

With the menace of thieves that steal packages from people's front porch, residents are starting to get clever with their belongings.
One resident, in a bid to punish a serial thief, planted a package on his front porch, while he laid in wait to catch the culprit, and of course he had the camera rolling.
This packgae was painstakingly constructed with the finest technology and a lot of ingenuity to make sure the stranger is not only caught but punished.
A stranger came by the package on the front porch, he made sure there was no one in sght before he ferreted it away. On getting to his car, he opened his package which shocked the life out of him as it exploded with a bang and released a hail of glitter.
Now, the thief is not only circulating around the internet having being caught in the act, he now has a mountain of glitter to deal with.

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